Wednesday, January 30, 2013

'Nother Sneek Peek!

This is a sneek peek of some mock ups I'm doing for a Nike Ad campaign. It's a portfolio piece to add more commercial work to the ol' portfolio.

Let me know what you think!


Was searching for inspiration and found this little video on Little Chimp Society.

I have a new artist to follow! He is Jeff Miracola a fantasy artist out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

 Also, visits Jeff's site. Tons of great stuff!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hey Guys,
Please check out some of Nico Delort's awesome ink and scratchboard illustrations!
This guy has some serious talent!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sneak Peek!

This is a sneak peek at a project I'm doing for an agency in G.B.
It's an accoutrement for a clients logo. It will be printed and watercolored by hand.
Great clients! Great communication! Joy!

More will come when it's complete and I'm given the ok.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


This is just awesome and crazy nuts! Carnovsky is a Milan based artist/designer duo comprised of Francesco Rugi and Silvia Quintanilla.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Here is an awesome artist that I just discovered through Abduzeedo. She is a Russian artist named Erika

BooGothSquad: Redux 1

Awhile ago I took a job that I love. The job was an 5 issue Graphic Novel that follows a group of kids with unique powers titled BooGothSquad. When I started I was working traditionally because I had my studio and all my supplies at my disposal. Soon after, my wife and I decided to live as gypsies and I learned to work completely digital.

So, after finishing the majority of the pages with my Wacom, I noticed that the first couple pages were missing something. So, I asked my editor if it was ok that I go back and "redo" those pages. I used the existing pages as layouts and drew over the inks on a separate layer.

Here is a side to side as to compare:

More pages to come soon!